Palumbo shipyards offer a complete range
of professional services and expertise.

Our repair shipyards are located throughout the Mediterranean in easily accessible ports.
Clients are therefore free to choose the most convenient and closest location for refit and repair or maintenance intervention and reduce transfer costs to minimal. 
All our yards are all equipped with adequate facilities to guest any type of vessel and project. 

We have the mostinternational-experienced craftsmen and engineers in the industry and excellent maritime infrastructures. Whether performing pre-scheduled maintenance or unexpected-non planned damage repair, extensive refit or conversion, work is carried out in a safe and reliable manner and vessel’s downtime is contained as possible.  

Project teams work throughout the process with the owner representative in order to ensure that work meets the expectations.




Your shipyard in the heart of the Mediterranean.
Strategically located throughout the Mediterranean in easily accessible ports.
Clients are free to chose where to perform work and drastically reduce time and cost related to vessels transfer.

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shipyards projects


offshore projects

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